Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cloning oracle database using RMAN Duplicate-(ASM to ASM) steps:

Precloning activities:

Source database:

-parameter changes at source datbase-pfile-remote_login_passwordfile= exclusive

-make source database archive log enabled.

-change the sys password to known value and create the passwordfile

-Make sure, you are able to connect to source database from target server(remote connection)

-Keep source database in mount or open state.

Target database:

-create the password file. Password should be same as source############

-parameter remote_login_passwordfile= exclusive

-add foolowing paramters db_file_name_convert = ('+DG_source/oradata','+DG_target/oradata') ###### DATA DISKGROUP.

log_file_name_convert = ('+DG_source_DB_RC/oraredo','+DG_target_DB_RC/oraredo') ####### REDO CONTROL DISKGROUP

Cloning Activity:

Target database:

start the Database in nomount state

Start the Listener.

Check the rman connectting on the Target.


rman target sys/***@source_db

connect auxiliary sys/***@target_db

================================================================ ######### I kept the Parallelism as 32 only. May be we can increase to 100. It may put load on source server


rman target sys/***@source_db auxiliary sys/***@target_db trace=debug.txt LOG duplicate_${ORACLE_SID}_${DATE}.log
run {

duplicate target database to target_DB FROM ACTIVE DATABASE;




Intiate the Script


nohup /oracle/admin//clone/ > rman_duplicate.out 2>&1 &

Monitor the Log file

tail -f duplicate_target_DB_.log

It will take care of complete cloning.